Field Information

Miracle League Field


Games are played at Miracle League Field, which  is located at 120 East Clinton Street, Joliet, IL 60432 just north of Silver Cross Field, on Clinton Street.

Field Dimensions

10,568 sq. feet = playing field

Field is 15,102 sq. feet = field including dugouts and foul areas

Baseline: 50 feet

Home Plate line to fence at center field: 115 feet or 125 feet

Baseline to dugout: 21 feet

Pitcher’s mound to home plate: 33 feet

Maximum Field Size – 125 feet (Home plate to center field fence). Any larger field will not allow these children the opportunity of hitting the ball over the fence.

Field Turf

The Miracle League teams play on a custom-designed, synthetic rubberized Turf field that accommodates wheelchairs and other assertive devices while helping to prevent injuries.

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